A syphilis test or syphilis blood test or syphilis detection test is a blood examination that helps detecting antibodies generated in response to the bacteria Treponema pallidum that causes syphilis, which is a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). It is often referred to as std blood test or std diagnostic tests or an std test
Generally, occurs in new born. Disease get passed through the mother during the pregnancy stage or even after birth.
Syphilis induces many stages, from primary syphilis to congenital syphilis. For an early detection and prevention, it is recommended to consult with the patient's health provider for a thorough examination, treatment and medication.
There is a high risk of getting syphilis if one is induced in such activities-
Typically, a blood sample is required for syphilis test.
Generally, no special preparation is needed for a syphilis test.
Syphilis is a highly infectious disease primarily gets transmitted through sexual contact or intercourse with an infected person. It can also get spread to newborns during the pregnancy period of the infected mother or during breastfeeding their newborns.
A positive result signifies patient's exposure towards syphilis at present, and needs to consult with a health care provider for further diagnosis, medication and treatment.
A negative result indicates that the patient is not currently infected with the disease and that the antibodies are not currently detectable.
The syphilis test cost in Delhi NCR is very affordable.
At Mahajan Imaging and Labs, the test price is in range of ₹2200 for South Delhi, North Delhi, East Delhi, West Delhi and Central Delhi, Gurugram / Gurgaon, etc.
Syphilis Test at home or at the nearest centre is possible by collecting the samples with home collection facility to access an easy and convenient process.
People can visit Mahajan Imaging and Labs centres for std test located at Defence Colony New Delhi, SDA (Safdarjung Development Area) New Delhi, Pusa Road Delhi, Bali Nagar Delhi, Gurugram Haryana,. Home collection is available across Delhi NCR.
Syphilis tests typically have no side effects. Though, slight swelling and brushing can be evident at the blood drawn side.
The primary objective of a Syphilis diagnose is for the detection of antibodies present in the patient's blood, produced by the immune system to fight Treponema Pallidum. The blood test generally is induced with two test.
Nontreponemal test is used as an initial test screening to measure antibodies.
While, Treponema test is done to confirm a positive test after Nontreponemal test to detect syphilis in the patient.